傾聽 張靚穎

張靚穎( Jane Zhang ) 傾聽 張靚穎歌詞

2.At Last

At last
my love has come along
my lonely days over
and life is like a song

At last
the skies above are blue
well my heart was wrapped up in clover
the night I looked at you I found a dream
that I could speak to
a dream that I could call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
a thrill that I have never known well

You smile
you smile
oh and then the spell was cast
and here we are in heaven
for you are mine at last

I found a dreamthat I could speak to
a dream that Icould call my own
I found a thrillto press my cheek to
a thrill that I have never known

You smile
you smile
oh and then the spell was cast
and here we are in heaven
for you are mine at last
ooo yea
you are mine
you are mine
at last
at last
at last
at last



每個人心裡一畝 一畝田
每個人心裡一個 一個夢
一顆呀一顆種子 是我心裡的一畝田
每個人心裡一畝 一畝田
每個人心裡一個 一個夢
一顆呀一顆種子 是我心裡的一畝田
用它來種什麼 用它來種什麼
用它來種什麼 用它來種什麼

用它來種什麼 用它來種什麼
用它來種什麼 用它來種什麼
那是我心裡一畝 一畝田
那是我心裡一個 不醒的夢

4.I Didn't Know

作詞:KSK (Kevin Kumar, Sean Kumar)
作曲:KSK (Kevin Kumar, Sean Kumar)

Looking back on the past
All the happiness and sorrow
Seem to blend to one
The colors start to run
There was a time I thought that I
Could touch the sky and never fall
Ever since you came around
But now I've hit the ground
Cause you had your fun
I found the smoking gun
What am I supposed to do
I'm holding our future right in my hands
But it's blowing away like the sand
So I'm moving on
Cause you didn't care enough to let me know

Now I'll go
How could you do it
I didn't know
That you'd turn around and hurt me baby
Leave me alone
You threw it all away
so you and I will never be
I didn't know
That you'd be the one to tell me lies
Leave me alone
It's too late to apologize
You wore a mask I could not see past
You gave me every reason to believe
You were an angel
And you'd be faithful

You had your chance at our romance
But I know my love is worth more than
your lies and deceit
Gonna get back on my feet
You thought you'd have your fun
I found the smoking gun
What else is there for me to do
I'm holding our future right in my hands
But it's blowing away like the sand
So now I'm moving on
'cause you didn't care enough to let me know
So now I'll go – how could you do this

I didn't know
That you'd turn around and hurt me baby
Leave me alone
You threw it all away, so you and I will never be
I didn't know
That you'd be the one to tell me lies
Leave me alone
It's too late to apologize

I was living in a world where everything was perfect
(Everything was perfect boy)
But oh, when the truth had shattered that dream I couldn't take
(I just couldn't take it no no)
How could you say that you were innocent
I could see right through it
(I could see right through it yeah yeah)
You didn't even say you were sorry
Now I'm taking all my love away

So Leave me alone
I didn't know
That you'd turn around and hurt me baby
Don't tell me lies
Leave me alone
It's too late to apologize
to apologize

There was a time that I thought
I could touch the sky and never cry
Now I'll leave it all behind
You gave me every reason to believe
You were an angel, that you'd be faithful
Oh no, no no
I didn't know
That you'd turn around and hurt me baby
Leave me alone
You threw it all away, so you and I will never be
I didn't know
That you'd be the one to tell me lies
Leave me alone
It's too late to apologize



寫了幾封信給你 我自己都已經忘記
經過許多年 它們不曾呼吸
寫了幾個字給你 我始終沒有傳過去
自己偷偷暗藏 算不算心機

我猜模糊了期待 就有勇氣再重來
暫時不明白 但我願意等待

我的生活還要繼續 好不容易

捨得每一段風景 因為捨不得自己 再想起你

心裡有幾個抽屜 是不能翻開的秘密
經過許多年 假裝不曾想起
心中有多少回憶 是不能碰觸的刺激
漸漸變成懸疑 夠不夠美麗

我猜模糊了期待 就有勇氣再重來
暫時不明白 但我願意等待

我的生活還要繼續 好不容易

捨得每一段風景 因為捨不得自己 再想起你



在我年幼的時候 母親教我歌唱
在她慈愛的眼裡 滿滿都是期待
如今我已經長大 再想起這一首歌謠
懵懂時光的背影 是我生命中最芬芳的旋律呀

我有花一朵 種在我心中
花開不多時 啊堪折直須折

在我年幼的時候 母親教我歌唱
在她慈愛的眼裡 滿滿都是期待
是我生命中 最芬芳的旋律呀

7.Por Una Cabeza

小提琴:文薇 鋼琴:王錚亮

8.Concerto Pour Deux



9.Singing in the rain

I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love
For love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I'll walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Singing, singing in the rain
In the rain.


I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again
I walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
I'm singing, singing in the rain
In the rain
In the rain



你忽然間寵愛 我不介意廝磨
你當我不存在 我不願意淪落
你隨手一撫摸 我興奮地纖弱
你只想一個人 我堅強地靜默
你 來了 走了 換個方式寂寞
你 不來 不走 我一樣活著
愛 差不多 不愛 都不錯
我睡 我醒 不知 不覺
仿佛只有晚上 我雙眼如星火
白天是空白的 我多餘地婀娜
你 來了 走了 交換一點寂寞
你 不來 不走 我只能活著
愛 差不多 不愛 都不錯
我睡 我醒 不知 不覺


I'm sipping on the sounds of the afternoon,
When the wind blows out I'll breathe it and out again
And listen to the overture with you
One last time to sit down and watch the world in stereo

Then the chalk lines and the bass lines they
Drew straight lines onto the pavement
And they curved up and they fell down and they wrote up
What we missed out and what I could have been then
What we could have been then

And sometime somewhere when we start to heal
Our hearts will follow there where our new pressed bodies feel
Prefectly still inside
Now we're single

I drew a pretty little memory of us and I held it out and I held
it up
I let it breathe and put it back into my pocket
We'd take it out for special occasions where you and me were
feeling gracious
And we'd pretend it looked like Christmas all rosy and clean
Then you'd see how things change,how they'd be,if we'd stayed
And she'll make you happier than me and we'd see that
So I'll smile and you'll leave and I'll do my best to make
In the inconsequence and words and all those other things
Then we'll begin to get undressed and shed our skin
Let them start their own lives
Make a way out to the distance where our new pressed bodies lie
Prefectly still inside
Now we're single

Then we'll begin to get undressed and shed our skin
Let them start their own lives
Make a way out to the distance where our new pressed bodies lie
Prefectly still inside
Now we're single

I'm sipping on the afternoon

12.秋 意 濃


秋意濃 離人心上秋意濃
一杯酒 情緒萬種
離別多 葉落的季節離別多
握住你的手 放在心頭 我要你記得 無言的承諾
啊~ 不怕相思苦 只怕你傷痛
怨只怨人在風中 聚散都不由我
啊~ 不怕我孤單 只怕你寂寞 無處說離愁

舞秋風 漫天回憶舞秋風
歎一聲 黯然沉默
不能說 忍淚的話都不能說
緊緊擁著你 永遠記得 你曾經為我 這樣的哭過
啊~ 不怕相思苦 只怕你傷痛
怨只怨人在風中 聚散都不由我
啊~ 不怕我孤單 只怕你寂寞 無處說離愁

啊~ 不怕相思苦 只怕你傷痛
怨只怨人在風中 聚散都不由我
啊~ 不怕我孤單 只怕你寂寞 無處說離愁



椰風挑動銀浪 夕陽躲雲偷看
眼睛星樣燦爛 眉似新月彎彎
她在輕歎 歎那無情郎
濕了紅色紗籠白衣裳 。
哎呀南海姑娘 何必太過悲傷 。
年紀輕輕只十六半 。
舊夢失去有新侶做伴 。



看黑夜 看起來很疲憊 下弦月 蒼白蔓延
聽思念 聽起來很遙遠 寂寞流過了血液
等安靜了時間 迷蒙了光線 回憶碎片在翻飛
愛他 退過底線地愛他 放肆的謊言喧嘩
刺進胸口 猛劃開一道傷疤
愛他 我不要繼續裝傻 淚水燙傷了掙扎

夢凋零 濺起沁涼的淚 心沉默 無聲凜冽
是終點 脈搏緩慢凍結 凝固崩潰的瞬間
等安靜了時間 迷蒙了光線 回憶碎片在翻飛
愛他 退過底線地愛他 放肆的謊言喧嘩
刺進胸口 猛劃開一道傷疤
愛他 我不要繼續裝傻 淚水燙傷了掙扎

(愛他 退過底線地愛他 放肆的謊言喧嘩)
(刺進胸口 猛劃開一道傷疤)

(愛他 我不要繼續裝傻 刻進骨髓的牽掛)
一場雪 覆蓋一切!!!



他們說 季節越來越無常 就連雨水 也跟著受傷
整個世界 象風中塵埃 誰也不敢大聲對人說 你愛我嗎

別問我 永久到底夠不夠 假如地球脫離了宇宙
永恆的大地 開始融化 就讓我們緊緊擁抱著 變成沙

如果世界末日真的有審判 所有人類剩我們兩個
不管付出任何的代價 我願為你釘上無悔的 十字架

不要怕 La… 一直到世界末日 等你回答
不要怕 La… 一直到世界末日 你愛我嗎

士兵們放下他們的槍 頑皮的孩子收起了翅膀
憤怒的火山停止喧嘩 異常的平靜埋伏著多少不安

風暴漸漸升高 大地開始動搖 我在風中呼喚你聽見了嗎
別在世界末日來臨之前 口中仍然隱藏著那句話 你愛我嗎

不要怕 La… 一直到世界末日 等你回答
他們唱 La… 一直到世界末日 等你回答
不管你要付出任何的代價 Yeah…
就讓我們緊緊擁抱 一直到世界末日 你愛我嗎